Mumia Abu-Jamal
Abu-Jamal murdered police officer Daniel Faulkner. His case became a platform for groups such as the anti-globalization movement, anti-death penalty groups, and the Black Nationalist movements who proclaim he is innocent.
Mehmet Ali Agca
Turkish Assassin
Mehmet Ali Agca shot Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981, in Saint Peter's Square. Before the Pope John Paul died the two met face to face for over 30 minutes.
John Eric Armstrong
Serial Killer, Rapist
No one could believe that the child-like face of John Eric Armstrong, nicknamed "Opie" by his navy friends, was really the face of a cold and calculating serial killer.
Alejandro Avila
Child Murderer, Pedophile
Avila was found guilty of kidnapping, sexually molesting and asphyxiating five-year-old Samantha Runnion.
Gaetano Badalamenti
Sicilian Mafia Boss
He was the ringleader of a $1.65 billion dollar drug smuggling operation that imported heroin from the Middle East and cocaine from South America and distributed the drugs through U.S. mid-western pizzeria store fronts.
Dennis Bagwell
Bagwell killed his mother and four others, including a four-year-old child, because his mother refused to give him money.
Joe Ball and His Alligator Pond
Serial Killer
Ball is suspected of killing as many as 20 women and feeding them to his pet alligators.
Klaus Barbie
"The Butcher of Lyon"
A Nazi war criminal, who was personally responsible for the torture and death of thousands of Jews, managed to evade execution for his war crimes by fleeing Europe to Bolivia with the assistance of U.S. intelligence agents.
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Child Predator, Torturer, Cannibal
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah, a/k/a David Paul Brown, is a convicted child predator who is in prison after repeatedly molesting, torturing and attempting to murder children. He was also suspected of murdering a child then disposing of the body through cannibalistic ways that involved his unsuspecting neighbors.
Cesar Barone
Serial Killer, Sexual Predator, Rapist
The profile of serial killer Cesar Barone, now on death row in Oregon, for raping and killing senior-aged women. Barone, at the age of 19, was suspected of raping and murdering by strangulation his 71-year-old neighbor while she was in bed.
Robert Berdella
Serial Killer, Sexual Predator, Rapist
Around the neighborhood, he was considered odd but was liked and participated in organizing a local community crime watch programs, but he was one of the most barbarous serial killers in U.S. history, who participated in vile acts of sexual torture and murder.
David Berkowitz - The Son of Sam
Serial Killer
David Berkowitz, better known as Son of Sam, is an infamous 1970s New York City serial killer who killed six people and wounded several others claiming his neighbor's dog was a demon who told him to do it.
Kirk Douglas Billie
Child Murderer
Miccosukee Indian Kirk Douglas Billie, 36, was sentenced to life in prison for the drowning death of sons, Kurt, 5 and Keith, 3. His case became a large dispute over tribal sovereignty and the state of Florida.
Arthur Gary Bishop
Serial Killer, Pedophile, Rapist
Arthur Gary Bishop went from being an honor student, Eagle Scout and teenage missionary to an obsessed pedophile and child killer which he later attributed to the pornography that he was exposed to while growing up.
Ian Brady
Serial Killer, Rapist, Torturer
Ian Brady and his girlfriend Myra Hindley were British serial killers, responsible for a series of child murders that became known as the Moors Murders.
John Brown
Political Activist - 1859
Convicted of treason and hung after an attempt to take over an arsenal in Virginia in order to arm enslaved people was thwarted.
H. Rap Brown
Al-Amin aka H. Rap Brown in March 2000, fired on two police officers attempting to serve him a warrant on a minor theft charge. One of the officers died after Al-Amin shot an additional three shots into the wounded officer who was lying defenseless on the street.
Kenneth Eugene Bruce
Home Invasion, Murderer
Bruce brutally murdered a 55-year-old woman and attempted to kill her husband during a home invasion.
Martin Bryant
Mass Murderer
Martin Bryant went on a killing spree in the popular tourist destination of Port Arthur, Tasmania. During the Port Arthur Massacre, Bryant murdered 35 people and injured 37 others.
James J. Bulger
FBI Most Wanted
Bulger is wanted by the FBI for murder (18 counts), conspiracy to commit extortion, narcotics distribution, and other charges.
Ted Bundy
Serial Killer, Rapist, Necrophiliac
He was attractive, smart, and had a future in politics. He was also one of the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history. Bundy screamed his innocence until his death in the electric chair was imminent. Then he told just enough to show the true evil inside him.
William L. Calley
War Crimes
Lt. William L. Calley was convicted of the premeditated murder of 22 Vietnamese civilians during the March 16, 1968, incident known as the My Lai Massacre. Lt. Calley was the only person found guilty in the incident.
Rae Carruth
Sports star Rae Carruth was found guilty of conspiracy to commit murder, shooting into an occupied vehicle and using an instrument to destroy an unborn child and was sentenced to 18-24 years in prison.
Frank Ray Chandler
Chandler brutally beat a 90-year-old woman and left her to die in a pool of her blood.
Norman Richard Cleary
Norman Cleary and his accomplice scouted homes looking for one to break into and when it came to killing the housekeeper working inside, the pair didn't blink an eye.
Corey Miller is a popular rap singer known to his fans as C-Murder. He was convicted in the beating and fatal shooting of a 16-year-old fan who had the star's posters all over his bedroom wall.
Barton Corbin
Dentist indicted for murder.
Corbin is a Georgia dentist who has been indicted by two Georgia grand juries in the connection with the death of his wife and death of his former girlfriend and is being investigated for a third murder.
Juan Corona
Serial Killer
Juan Corona was a labor contractor who went on a six-week murder spree, raping and killing 25 men he employed.
Frank Costello
Prime Minister of the Underworld
Known for being one of the most politically connected members of the crime syndicate and referred to judges as "My Boys."
Tyrone Peter Darks
Murderer, 9/11 Fraudster
Darks hated his ex-wife, so much so that one day as she left the church he fatally shot and killed her. But his crimes did not stop there.
Genero Espinosa Dorantes
FBI Most Wanted
Genero Espinosa Dorantes is wanted by the FBI for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution and criminal homicide.
John E. DuPont
Millionaire Schizophrenic Murderer
John E. DuPont was a sports wannabe who inherited millions and bought his status into the sporting world that his own physical capabilities could have never achieved. He was also insane and liked to play with guns, a combination that eventually led to murder.
Marc Dutroux
Serial Killer, Torturer, Rapist
Marc Dutroux, an unemployed electrician, and father of three, committed a series of kidnappings, rapes and murders of an unknown number of teenage girls. Dutroux and accomplices, including his wife, are considered among the vilest criminals in the history of Belgium.
Colin Ferguson
Mass Murder
On December 7, 1993, Colin Ferguson boarded a Long Island commuter train and began shooting the passengers with a Ruger P-89 9mm pistol. The incident known as the Long Island Railroad Massacre resulted in six people being killed and 19 injured.
Robert William Fisher
FBI Most Wanted
Robert William Fisher is wanted for allegedly killing his wife and two young children and then blowing up the house.
Anthony Guy Fuentes
Fuentes, with two prior convictions for shooting people, was free on the streets to find his next victim who he killed over a case of stolen beer.
John Wayne Gacy the "Killer Clown"
Serial Killer, Torturer, Rapist
John Wayne Gacy was convicted of the torture, rape, and murder of 33 men between 1972 until his arrest in 1978. He was dubbed the "Killer Clown" because he entertained kids at parties as "Pogo The Clown."
Ed Gein
Serial Killer, Grave Robber, Necrophiliac, Cannibal
The Plainfield, Wisconsin police department had no idea of the grotesque world they were about to enter when they went to Ed Gein's farm home to investigate the disappearance of a local woman. Gein's crimes went down in history as some of the most encompassing murder, grave robbing, and cannibalism.
Vito "Don Vito" Genovese
Mafia, Gangster
Another mafia "boss of bosses" he was the head of the Genovese crime family who earned his reputation for being a prolific drug trafficker.
Victor Manuel Gerena
FBI Most Wanted
Victor Manuel Gerena is being sought in connection with the armed robbery of approximately $7 million from a security company in Connecticut.
Andrew Gigante
Gangster, Mafia
Son of Genovese mobster, Vincent "Chin" Gigante, who became a messenger between his father and other Genovese mobsters when his father was imprisoned.
Vincent "Chin" Gigante
Boss of the Genovese Family
The press named him "The Oddfather" because of his habit of walking around in his robe talking to himself, hoping to plead insanity if ever arrested.
Richard Steve Goldberg
FBI Most Wanted
Wanted for sexual exploitation of children, production of child pornography, plus unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.
Glen Stewart Godwin
FBI Most Wanted
Godwin escaped from Folsom State Prison in California, where he was serving a lengthy sentence for murder.
Donald "Pee Wee" Gaskins
Gaskins was the most prolific serial killer in South Carolina history. Once his brutality was unleashed, he knew no boundaries, torturing, killing, cannibalizing victims, both male and female.
John "Dapper Don" Gotti
Former Godfather of the Gambino Family
Gotti, known also as "Teflon Don" and later "Velcro Don" earned his way into power after planning the death of Paul Castellano.
Dominique Jerome Green
Green and three other men took part in a series of robberies in the Houston area over a period of several hours ending in Green shooting a man with a Tech-9 semi-automatic gun over the money he had in his wallet a mere $50.00.
Mark Hacking
Hacking shot his pregnant wife in the head while she slept and dumped her body in the garbage, where it was found five months later.
Bobby Ray Hopkins
Hopkins killed two teenaged girls, stabbing and cutting them over 100 times presumably because they hurt his feelings.
Jack The Ripper
Serial Killer
A serial killer murdered and mutilated at least five prostitutes in the East End of London in 1888. Because no one was ever arrested or tried for the murders, crime buffs are still fascinated with the case more than 115 years later.
Michael Jackson
Accused Pedophile
Found not guilty on charges of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion, three counts of committing lewd acts upon a child, attempted lewd acts with a child, and four counts of administering intoxicating agents to assist in the commission of a felony.
Edgar Ray Killen
Murderer - Hate Crime
Killen, a reputed member of the Ku Klux Klan, in 2005, was found responsible for the shooting deaths of three civil rights workers who were registering Black voters during the "Freedom Summer" of 1964.
Edward Lewis Lagrone
Murderer, Child Rapist
Lagrone impregnated his ex-girlfriend's ten-year-old daughter then killed the young girl and two of her elderly great aunts
Pedro Alonso Lopez - The Monster of the Andes
Lopez was one of the history's most horrific serial killers, but he was released from prison in 1998. Where is he now?
Charles "Lucky" Luciano
Mafia, Gangster
It is believed that Luciano was one of the most powerful men in organized crime and to this day his influence over the gangster activity in the USA still exists.
Child Murderer, Murderer
On February 17, 1970, a horrific crime took place outside of Fort Bragg in North Carolina. An army doctor's wife and two children were savagely killed and the doctor wounded. The facts of this crime deviated with each legal hearing and opinions have been drawn like a duel at sunrise.
Ynobe Katron Matthews
Kidnapper, Rapist, Murderer
Matthews kidnapped and sexually assaulted a 21-year-old girl then strangled her to death.
Hate Crime, Murderer
McCullum and his friends beat, robbed, kidnapped and shot, execution style, a gay man they came across in a parking lot. McCullum later bragged that he felt like a judge because he had taken someone's life.
Kidnapper, Murderer
McWilliams and friends attacked a homeless man sleeping in his car and killed him for no apparent reason.
Peterson murdered his pregnant wife and their unborn son and dumped the body in San Francisco Bay. His ex-mistress, Amber Frey, offered evidence that helped convict Peterson for the murder.
Mitchell, along with his wife Wanda Barzee, is accused of kidnapping 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart and holding her captive for nine months.
Morris attacked a 70-year-old man, cut his throat and bludgeoned him in the head with a hammer at the victim's Houston home then robbed him.
Kidnapper, Murderer
Morrow kidnapped a 21-year-old college student, beat her, then cut her throat. She had 42 separate injuries at her time of death.
Kidnapper, Torturer, Rapist, Murderer
Charles Ng participated in the kidnapping, sadistic torture, enslavement, rape and murder of numerous victims in one of the most infamous and costly murder cases in American history.
Joe Elton Nixon
Kidnapping, Murder
Joe Nixon has been on death row in Texas for 19 years for the murder of 38-year-old Jeanne Bickner, who he tied to trees with jumper cables and set on fire.
Dennis Rader - The BTK Strangler
Serial Killer, Rapist, Torturer
Dennis Rader, the BTK murderer, confessed to his grisly crimes in a voice void of emotion and remorse, but with a hint of demented pride.
Richard Ramirez - The Night Stalker
Rapist, Torturer, Serial Killer
Satanic worshipper, serial killer, and rapist, Richard Ramirez was named The Night Stalker, after terrorizing Los Angeles during a year-long killing and rape spree. He was convicted of 43 counts, including murder, burglary, sodomy, and rape.
Johnny L. Robinson
Kidnapper, Rapist, Murderer
Robinson kidnapped, raped and shot a 31-year-old woman who he found stranded on the highway.
John Glenn Roe
Kidnapper, Murderer
Donette, kidnapped, shot, and killed a young mother, then took her car and money and used information about the murder to try to get out of serving time for other crimes he committed.
Michael Ross
Serial Killer, Rapist
Ross, driven by sexually violent fantasies, brutally raped and murdered eight young girls.
Raymond Dayle Rowsey
Rowsey shot six times into a 20-year-old store clerk, then viciously kicked the dying man for $57.54 in cash and some magazine.
Charles Laverne Singleton
Singleton stabbed to death a 31-year-old store owner who was one of the few people in his life who befriended him.
Richard Speck - Born to Raise Hell
Serial Killer
The words "Born to Raise Hell" were tattooed on the arm of the tall pocked-faced man with a southern drawl who entered a nursing student's dormitory on a warm July night in 1966. Once inside he committed a series of crimes that shocked America.
Chester Dewayne Turner
Serial Killer
Police say Chester Dewayne Turner is the most prolific serial killer in the history of the city of Los Angeles. He was finally identified through extensive DNA testing. Who were his victims and the man who was mistakenly imprisoned for his crimes?
Billy Frank Vickers
Thief, Murderer
Vickers planned the robbery and murder of a local grocery store owner in Arthur City, Texas.
Coral Eugene Watts - The Sunday Morning Slasher
Serial Killer
The incredible story of serial killer Coral Eugene Watts, who confessed to over 80 murders, has admitted he will murder again, yet Texas could not keep him behind bars.
Ward Weaver lll
Kidnapper, Rapist, Murderer
Weaver kidnapped, raped, and murdered his daughter's friends, 12-year-old Ashley Pond and 13-year-old Miranda Gaddis, and hid their bodies in his backyard.
Donald Eugene Webb
FBI Most Wanted
Webb is being sought in connection with the murder of a police chief in Pennsylvania who was shot twice at close range after being brutally beaten about the head and face with a blunt instrument.
Lewis Williams, Jr.
Thief, Murderer
Williams beat a 76-year-old woman around the face and shoulders, shot her in the mouth, and stomped on her chest, leaving a bloody shoe print on her nightgown.
Cameron Todd Willingham
Baby Murderer
Willingham killed his three babies and set the house on fire to cover up his crime.
Windel Ray Workman
Baby Murderer
Workman beat his girlfriend's two-year-old daughter, Amber Holman, to death. She died of multiple blows to the head and stomach.
Kevin Lee Zimmerman
Thief, Murderer
Zimmerman brutally murdered a man in a hotel room for the purpose of robbing him of his money.